Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assignment 10A - Elevator Pitch #1


  1. Hi Javier. I really enjoyed your pitch. It came across natural and you were convincing at the same time. I even think that the idea is interesting as well and could be a major safety benefit for society. What would you name that product? Overall well done, hope to hear more about it. Because this could be such a big safety benefit for people, I am sure they would be willing to pay a high price which. I think the main challenges is creating the product because it requires a lot of technology.

  2. Good evening Javier,
    Your body language and effort to emphasize your pitch was important towards keeping the audience attentive. The way you incorporated different hand gestures and described the process towards your products was unique. The products that you described can help with social problems and can benefit a wide audience, which is crucial. It is also important that you were open to your audience's feedback in order to improve your products. Overall, you addressed every important aspect towards a solid elevator pitch. Great work!

  3. Hi Javier,
    This was a fantastic elevator pitch! You explained your product well and had me convinced that it could fix the issue of abduction and human trafficking in the future. As for the variations to your product it might be smart to create something that you can connect to anything you are wearing as opposed to a bunch of different variations of the product.
